8th edition

Jul 22 2014


6:00 pm

LXC and Docker: What, Why, How

Do you keep hearing the words LXC and Docker all the time? Those are things you can't live without after learning. In this introductory session, Get ready to rethink some of the fundamental ways of handling Linux Servers, and be prepared to forget everything you've learnt about Infrastructure management (like Chef and Puppet) so far

Subhas Dandapani (RDX)

By: Subhas Dandapani (RDX)

7:00 pm

Protocol Buffers

Platform Independent solutions such XML and JSON have been created to allow data exchange between software on systems, They have trade offs in aspects of performance over networks and maintenance on client/server applications. Protocol buffers is the name of the solutions to their fallbacks. I will use Google Protocol Buffers (Google Protobuf) to create A Chat Application using C++ and Java on client side.

By: William Kibira

Resources: Slides

8:00 pm

Retrospective and Snacks

8:30 pm

Wrap up

Geek Night is a regular tech meet-up for discussion and dissemination of ideas, technologies and techniques for analysts, designers and developers in the field of software. This is also an informal gathering where we pick a hot technology topic and proceed to discuss it and learn from each other's experience and perspectives.

We love feedback! If you have any suggestions or cribs, feel free to fill out our feedback form. Don't worry, its completely anonymous.

Geek Night Volunteers

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